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The AT 4 GIF when Sam was complaining about Karen was funny

I HATED THIS EEEE but actually i loved it, made me so unsetteld 


I'm gonna be honest, this would be 100x better if he actually had the option not to send the address.

woah that was creepy ;_; gotta check the door now


wtf my anxeity was so high


It's a cool suspense game but one thing:

I think adding mental illnesses in that sort of context can be really harmful. Especially if you aren't informed enough. Them having OCD has nothing really to do with their creepy behavior and OCD is not about putting things away perfectly aka being a neat person/perfectionist. Some people can be really neat because of their OCD but the way they talked about it just makes it seem like you don't really know a lot and if you do it does give off the wrong impression of what OCD is like.

I would recommend anyone to rather keep it as a mystery in "horror circumstances" or use like a descriptive word that is not a mental condition like "yandere" for example which is someone being obsessed of a certain person. Just for the sake of not spreading misinformation i.e harming the community who already has to deal with a lot of wrong ideas of their condition and it wouldn't restrict you because you are kinda going with the flow letting you get inspired by x y personality patter or mental condition without trying to find an accurate word for it.

Well that's just a recommendation it's up to anyone what they do or not do with it. Either way i hope that i could've shared at least a different perspective 

I know this game is not new but it was just important for me to say ^^

Take care


I played this game 5 more times it’s insanely good


damn, that shit took a turn lmaooo. good game tho

(1 edit) (+1)

this really creeped me out! thank you for sharing it <3
i just wish there were multiple endings or more :')


Oof I have my computer muted so I missed the sound at the end and I'm too much of a coward to play it again haha- Great game!! I loved the build up

Damn. That was really well done!


really unsettling woah

there shouldve been an option to stay silent in any choice though, i definitely wouldnt give a stranger my address. not to mention, they should have taken longer to reach my house if we lied about the line


The dialogue is unsettling and the build-up is timed neatly. The chat itself is comparable to what a true chat group looks like, giving realism to the game. This game is absolutely worth your time! Just don't complain to me if you feel slightly paranoid afterward. 

Full review on my website!

This was fucking awesome man i loved when it finally clicked for me and the Chat


That was pretty good! I love(/fear) works that get into this particular theme , and the dialogue got me good and unsettled. Very good moodbuilding and slowly ratcheting up the alarm level of the situation.

Thank you! I'm really happy to hear that the balance of Chloe's dialogue sat just in the right spot. πŸ™πŸ½

(1 edit) (+1)

That's great, I really loved the twist.

Though I was really confused when the game referred to me as a girl xD

I'm happy to hear you liked it! I must've missed that part while editing the text haha I tried to make sure I used they/them pronouns but I clearly missed some chunks of text!

I'll take a look at it again πŸ˜Š

It's "clever girl" :) I understand that it makes sence that mc is a girl, tho!


This was a lot of fun. The UI caught my eye right away, and it was a quick, snappy playthrough. Nicely done.

Thank you so much! We're really happy to hear that you liked it. We wanted to make sure it was quick and simple but also as engaging as possible. πŸ™


This was good. Unfortunately it quite fit the theme of the story Jam, and now it's left as a cliffhanger πŸ˜” wishing for more though


Thank you! We're glad you want more ahah perhaps moving forward we may consider developing it further? We'll see how it goes! 😊


Take your time. Though if you decide to continue, I'll be following the progress along the way.